
My name is Jocosa Wade. Jocosa, a form of jocose, can be traced back to the Latin jocosus, which originates from the root jocus meaning joke or playful. This is hysterical irony. I’ve never “played” at anything. My heritage is Greek and I was born a Spartan. (Yes, I love the movie 300) I am fierce about life and fierce about Reading.

Books have always been a constant in my life. I often read two or three at a time and carry one with me wherever I go.

This site is my way of saying thank-you to all the authors who have filled my life with intrigue, love, suspense and laughter.


I applaud every author on the bookshelf. These writers were inspired to turn to the page. Their ideas crystallized, and their patience and persistence has enriched the world. That said, every reader has preferences, the reviews on the Bookshelf reveal mine.

Above is my to-be-read pile

“If you only read the books that everyone else is reading, you can only think what everyone else is thinking.” — Haruki Murakami

Literature is my first love. Although I have favorites, I’m open to all genres and authors. Please feel free to contact me with books, old or new, that have touched your heart.